Thursday, September 3, 2009

3rd year anniversary

Happy Anniversary to us!Wow! How quickly three years pass. A lot has changed in our three years of marriage. My husband could not have said it any better, this year we find ourselves more financially constricted than before. No flowers to celebrate, no great big trip will take place. This year we spent our anniversary eating chicken fingers on the floor of our living room with both the boys watching Hairspray. I got a very short but sad letter as my gift this year. Sad because it is reality, we are broke, have a one month old that completely relies on me. This year no sort of celebration will take places. I cried yesterday to my beloved and told him I just want to rewind and go back to when we were just courting. I miss courting my husband. Going out to dinner and not having to be home by a certain time. Watching a movie that we really want to watch and not being worried that a bad word might be said or that the content will be inappropriate. Weekend trips! Being romantic without being intrupted by a crying baby. Ahh those days are long gone and here are the days of sleepless nights and no time for romance. Last night we got Peyton down and I thought that it was going to be a perfect night. It was also time for Riley to eat so I thought he would just go to sleep and then I could spend sometime alone with my hubby. Riley was NOT going to let that happen. I feed him, burped him, changed his diaper and put him to bed. He ended up not settling down for two hours. By then Brian was sound asleep and I was just exhausted. I felt terrible! I realized as tears fell down my face that my life has changed dramatically. I miss time alone with Brian. I know that this too shall pass and that this will not last forever, but can’t a girl get a break at least on her anniversary. We were hoping to get to do something by ourselves this weekend and then we realized that Brian will be out of commission for a few days. So that idea went out the door. God willing we will be able to at least have dinner alone soon enough. Brian I love you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Never did I dream that I would find someone that would just love me for who I am. I always thought that I had to be someone that I wasn’t and with you and I just can be myself. You complete me. Thank you for putting up with all my crazy moments in the past three years. We are so blessed to have you. Not many women can say that they have the best husband, but I can say that and truly mean it. Thank you for making me laugh and smile in the moments when I am so down. Thank you for supporting all my ideas and dreams. Thank you for blessing me with our two wonderful boys. I love you more then ever before. May the Lord bless us with many more years together. Happy anniversary my love.

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